I just quit my horrible day job.
All I can think about is:
1. that I can now finally ask my office crush out on a date, and
2. that our relationship will perforce be short-lived, because soon I will starve to death.
Even dead of starvation, though, I will still be ahead of the game, because I will no longer have to spend hours a day transcribing tapes of interviews in which people say things like this:
“Yeah, as I told you, the problem is that, seriously, I mean, here, we are a very vanilla house. We don’t do a lot of–the mandates we’re working on are basically global government bonds and currency, so there’s not much that we do in terms of structured credit and derivatives. Even, as I told you, futures are mainly used to hedge some positions or to implement continuing duration strategies, but not as an important distinction or asset class. So, to be frank, I don’t really—I think you should probably talk—did you talk to my colleagues in New York on the derivatives side?”
How the hell did I do this job for a year and a half without LOSING MY FUCKING MIND?
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