Here's an unfinished passage that used to be in Chapter 4. I'm including it only because there's so much less sex in Lawfully Wedded Husband than there was in my last book that I figured I might as well share it when I could.
I remember the first time I slept with a black guy, in college. We were in East Berlin. I understand that the gentlemen in question is married now, to a woman, so I’ll let discretion be the better part of valor and not discuss the event other than to say we were lucky the Stasi had recently been disbanded, or we would have been led out of that forest at gunpoint.
I had very little sex in college, though; it wasn’t until after grad school, when I lived in New York and had just broken up with been broken up with by my boyfriend, that I abandoned myself to the pleasures of the flesh and slept with every third man in Manhattan (and every fifth in Queens). Most of these tête-à-têtes I arranged online through a site called I don’t remember anybody who wasn’t white contacting me. This I put down to the cultural force of endogamy, the impulse to mate with people within one’s own group or tribe. When on various occasions I found myself in the midst of several men enjoying one another’s company the group included people of other races, I was more than happy to welcome them into both my embrace and my orifices.
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